Pimples. Zits. We all want to know how to get rid of pimples overnight and effectively. The words conjure up images of red, pus-filled, angry-looking pustules over the cheeks, chin or forehead and those who suffer from this skin condition tend to feel very self-conscious about the appearance of their skin.
Unfortunately, most conventional treatments for acne include cleansers, antibiotic creams, and, in rare cases, surgical drainage and they are often harsh and cause excess dryness of the skin.
Most of the treatments only tend to treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. Many of these acne remedies are expensive and their failure leaves the sufferer depressed and disappointed.
Have you been wondering how to get rid of a zit overnight? Is it even possible? In this guide, I have reviewed some of the safest and most effective natural ways to get rid of acne. These are also proven remedies to help you get rid of zits, pimples and cysts virtually overnight.
All of the products and natural remedies described here have received excellent reviews and completely safe to use. That being said, and especially in case of essential oils (e’g. tea tree oil), always use oils from reputable essential oil companies that are pure and high quality, and try a patch test first to prevent allergic reactions.

Before we proceed with the best and quickest-acting home remedies for pimples, let us study what acne is and what causes it.
What is Acne?
Acne or pimples are the inflammation of hair follicles of the skin. The follicles get clogged with dirt, makeup and sebum that is secreted by the oil glands. When a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes infects this clogged hair follicle, the result is acne.
Most common acne is in the form of blackheads and whiteheads. These consist of the bacteria, dead skin cells and other dirt. The blocked pores stay open and appear as unsightly blackheads on the nose, chin and certain areas of the cheek and also on the back.
Blackheads and whiteheads are easier to treat compared to other acne types.
The next variety of acne is called pustules and papules. In case of pustules, the clogged pores start to get irritated to the point where their walls break causing the skin to gain a rough appearance. These zits are closely bunched together and are rather hard in texture.
The yellowish pus filled zits are called papules. They are similar to blisters.
Nodules and cysts are the third category of acne. These are bigger than pustules and extremely painful. Nasty white-yellow pus could drain out of them when squeezed. It is best not to touch the nodules – no matter how much you hate them – as this could spread the infection and lead to new breakouts.
What Causes Acne and Pimples?
80% of the acne is caused by hormones and genetics. If someone in your family had a horrible case of acne in their teenage years or adulthood, then chances of you suffering from it increase.
There are limited studies indicating the role of diet in acne. Some experts believe that products like dairy, sugar and chocolate can cause acne. Most of these are myths.
Chocolate does not cause acne. Chances are that, women tend to crave chocolate right before their menstrual period. So, the cause of one’s acne could again be due to an underlying hormonal issue.
Dairy has been, time and again, linked with acne. The milk we consume actually contains bovine hormones that are meant for the growth of the baby calf. So there could be a link between dairy products and acne.
So, if you want to get rid of acne quickly, you could try cutting out milk and dairy products from your diet. Many other food allergies could also trigger acne including nuts, soy, wheat etc. It is best you keep a journal and try eliminating these items one by one.
Observe which foods trigger your acne flare up. Then try and eliminate those items complete to get rid pimples. This is a small price to pay for a clear skin.
Another important cause of acne is hormones called androgens which trigger excess sebum production in the oil glands. This sebum tends to get dried and hard over time. When the P. acnes bacterium gets inside this hardened sebum, it infects the hair follicle leading to acne.
Hormone levels keep changing as we go through adolescence, puberty and, in women, pregnancy and menopause. This is the main reason why acne tends to affect teenagers as well as a major percentage of adult women in the 30s and 40s.
Stress is a leading factor behind acne. Excess stress could impact production of cortisol which, in turn, can trigger andgrogens and excess sebum production. Hence, as a part of the home remedies to get rid of pimples, stress control is a must.
The following are home remedies and quick cures to get rid of acne once and for all.
How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast?
I know that you are reading this article because you are desperate to find out how to get rid of acne overnight. May be you woke this morning with new ugly pimples on your face and wondering how to get rid of pimples in a day because tomorrow you are going out and want to have clear, acne-free face.
Or perhaps you are looking for a fast acting, safe and EFFECTIVE product for your teenage son or daughter to cure acne naturally in 3 days.
So before I review the popular acne-fighting home remedies, I must let you know about a couple of newer, less known products that are not only based on natural ingredients but are also super effective and inexpensive.
Essy Acne Treatment Cream Topical Anti Acne Medication with Aloe and Ginseng: How to Get Rid of Pimples in One Day?
You probably even have not heard about Essy Acne Treatment Cream but I am mentioning it first in this article, because not only it’s super effective but it works in a day.
I recently received a question from one of my blog readers and the question was: « How to get rid of a pimple in an hour? » Well, I thought, this is obviously not possible. But wait, the Essy acne treatment cream has the potential to help very quickly.
The company promises that this powerful acne treatment effectively reduces acne size within 4 hours while minimising redness for a clearer complexion. They even offer money back guarantee that if you are not satisfied with your Essy beauty product, you can ask for a replacement or refund.
So how does the product work so fast? With natural herbal extracts and gentle yet potent ingredients, the formula helps to reduce swelling and redness and creates a healthy oil balance by controlling excess sebum.
When you look at the ingredients, you won’t find the usual harsh chemicals like benzoyl peroxide that are found in Proactiv and other popular acne creams and lotions.
The ingredients in Essy cream include aloe, ginseng root, witch hazel, honeysuckle and other herbal extracts to restore skin to its healthy and natural appearance. It also contains menthol extract to ease inflamed painful acne. The botanicals act is synergy and also hep to regulate a healthy balance of oil on the skin and reduce sebum production so you get both, immediate, and also long-term benefits.
Essy Acne Treatment Cream effectively does what it is supposed to do, but without zapping skin of its natural moisture. This cream absorbs quickly and dries clear, allowing for smooth and unaffected makeup application.
Essy acne cream is one of the newer, nature-based acne products that really work and is one of the top sellers in the « acne treatment » category. Check out the numerous positive reviews on Amazon from many happy customers.
You won’t believe how inexpensive this cream is. Check out the price and order it here. There is literally no risk for you, so don’t hesitate to try Essy Acne Treatment Cream today!
If your skin is sensitive, this best acne treatment for teens that is natural may be a better choice as harsh ingredients can worsen your skin’s sensitivity. So how to get rid of a pimple in an hour or how to reduce redness of pimples in an hour? Well, this is clearly not quite realistic but you can reduce acne size in a few hours or in a day using this cream. Try the Essy treatment cream and post your comments below.
How to Get Rid of Acne Fast? TreeActiv Cystic Acne Spot Treatment, Best Extra Strength Fast Acting Formula for Clearing Severe Acne
TreeActiv Cystic Acne Spot Treatment is the most effective natural treatment for severe and cystic acne. It is packed with all-natural ingredients that calm the skin while eliminating acne from within. Continued use eliminates existing acne while preventing future breakouts by balancing the oil production of your skin and reducing the bacterial load on your face.
TreeAcive incorporates beneficial natural ingredients that include bentonite clay, tea tree water, witch hazel, peppermint water, spearmint water, spearmint essential oil, pink grapefruit essential oil, lemon essential oil, tea tree essential oil and aloe vera. Click here to find out why these ingredients are so effective.
TreeActiv Cystic Acne Spot Treatment has helped many people clear their stubborn acne. It’s Amazon’s Choice for for « cystic acne treatment » and you can read hundreds of positive reviews and order it here.
Bundle with Other TreeActiv Products for Best Whole-Body Results
Do you have acne on your back or chest? Try TreeActiv Acne Eliminating Body Spray | Natural Body, Back, Butt, Chest and Shoulder Acne Treatment for whole body acne-free skin.
The TreeActiv spray is a clarifying body mist that helps to clear all types of body acne and prevent future breakouts. It’s a mess-free, non-staining body spray that not only helps clear existing acne from the back, chest, shoulders, butt, and thighs, it moisturises the skin and infuses it with the vitamins and minerals your skin needs to stay healthy and prevent future breakouts.
This anti-acne body spray is very popular and top-rated. Check it out here on Amazon.
I also recommend you get the TreeActiv Four-in-One Acne Treatment Wash, Scrub. This multi-use facial cleanser has been rated 4.5 stars and it’s Amazon’s Choice. It can be used as a dry scrub, daily cleanser, spot treatment or mask to effectively unblock your sebaceous glands, disinfect pores, and clear up frustrating skin ailments without over-drying your skin.
Many customers have come to us and said that this product works wonders with sensitive skin or rosacea. You can eliminate stubborn acne and frustrating skin blemishes gently, quickly, and naturally with our Four-in-One Acne Treatment. See more details here.
If you want to use free home remedies, I listed them for you below. Many people have used them and found them beneficial. They won’t work as fast as the two above mentioned products but if your acne are not too bad, you can try them and see what happens.
1. Apple Cider VinegarF
Apple cider vinegar for cough and phlegm is a well known cold remedy but it’s also one of the best natural remedies to cure acne quickly.
Vinegar is acidic in nature and by applying it on the pimples; you can kill the bacteria causing the inflammation of the hair follicle. Vinegar also helps balance the pH of the skin creating an unfavourable or hostile environment that prevents future acne flare ups. You will see visible difference in a day. Apply every day for a week.
How to use: Dilute raw, unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with warm water. Dip a sterile Q-tip or cotton wool in it. Apply all over the pimples. Let the solution air dry. Leave it on overnight. Many teens and adults have used this excellent home remedy to get rid of zits overnight.
2. Lemon juice
Another wonderful natural remedy to get rid of pimples overnight is the use of lemon juice. Like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice is acidic and helps kill the P. acnes bacteria that cause the pimples.
How to use: Squeeze juice of half a lemon and set aside. Wash the face with a mild cleanser and pat it dry. Apply lemon juice on the pimples and let it sit for a few hours. Use this remedy twice a day to get rid of acne fast.
3. Potato Juice
Potato juice contains compounds that fight blemishes and acne scars. You can even use potato starch or potato flour in this home remedy to get rid of pimples and zits.
How to use: Grate a potato. Apply the juice on the pimples. Let it remain on the skin for at least 4-6 hours. The pimples will be gone by morning. (Alternatively, make a paste of potato flour and use it on the pimples to dry them out quickly).
4. Garlic
Garlic contains antimicrobial and anti septic properties that work on pimples to kill the bacteria and prevent the zits from worsening.
How to use: Crush the garlic and mix 2 parts with 1 part of water. Using a cotton bud, apply it on the pimples overnight. This will help the zits dry out. You can also gently rub a clove of garlic on the acne. Do not over-rub harshly as the pimple could rupture and the skin will burn when garlic comes in contact with it. Take garlic capsules to fight inflammation from inside out.
5. Honey
Honey (go for manuka honey) is naturally antibacterial and one of the best known remedies to mankind for fighting all kinds of skin problems. Honey is particularly helpful in fighting acne scars and pimple marks, when used regularly.
How to use: Apply honey directly over the zits. Let it dry for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Do not use soap.
6. Milk and Cinnamon
Milk and cinnamon cure for getting rid of acne is particularly beneficial for dry skin. Cinnamon has antioxidant properties. It is also anti-inflammatory. Milk reduces redness and calms down irritated skin.
How to use: Make a paste of cinnamon powder and milk. Apply it over the blemishes. Leave it on for a few hours-the longer the better. The cinnamon will draw out the bacteria causing the acne and calm the skin. Use this remedy thrice a week to get rid of acne fast.
7. Egg Whites
The protein and vitamins in egg whites reduce acne scarring by encouraging the skin to renew itself. Egg whites also dry out the excess sebum and clean the pores. Regular use of egg whites topically and internally can help fight acne flare ups and help you get rid of the zits within a few weeks.
How to use: Apply a thin layer of egg whites on the pimples. Let it dry naturally. Wash off with mild cleanser. Repeat application several times a week. This is the fastest way to get rid of acne and acne scars.
8. Papaya
Fresh papaya is wonderful for the skin as a face mask. It contains alpha hydroxyl acids that gently remove the dead skin cells and encourages cell renewal to reveal fresh, younger looking skin. Papaya draws out the excess oily sebum and leaves your skin clean and smooth. Papaya is also rich in Vitamin A-which scientists believe is a key ingredient in fighting all kinds of skin problems and especially pimples.
How to use: Eat plenty of papaya when in season. Also make a face mask using mashed pulp of papaya. Apply it directly on the pimples. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Use this remedy every time you want to make a pimple or a zit go away quickly.
9. Bacon Fat
If you want to know how to get rid of pimples overnight for literally pennies a day, use bacon fat! Yes, you heard that right! Trials conducted by dermatologist Dr. Gordon Langerman on nearly 50 young adults suffering from varying degrees of acne showed a dramatic improvement in just one night of using cooled bacon fat on the zits. Read the complete research here.
How to use: Cook the bacon in a pan. Let the grease released cool completely. Take a clean cloth and dip it in the fat. Apply the bacon grease to the zit. Leave it on the pimples overnight. Do this remedy every day for at least 6 nights. You will be pimple free in a week!
10. Orange Peels
Oranges are packed with vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that can benefit the skin in numerous ways. Vitamin C can get rid of scars, marks and signs of photo-damage. It is particularly beneficial for acne prone skin. Orange peels face pack can be used to remove dirt from the clogged pores.
How to use: Take peels from two oranges and a little water. Blend it in a mixer. Apply the paste on the acne. Leave it on for 4-6 hours or overnight. Wake up to gorgeous clear skin! Do this remedy to reduce zits and pimples once a week.
11. Tea Tree Oil
If there is one essential oil that can fight acne, tea tree oil it is. This wonderful oil is obtained from the tea tree plant found extensively in Australia. Tea tree oil is anti septic, anti fungal and antibacterial. It can help fight the P. Acnes bacterium to reduce zits. You can find out more about using tea tree oil for acne here.
How to use: Tea tree oil is highly concentrated. Use a bit of it on the inside of your arm first to see if it causes an allergic reaction. If there is none, you can proceed with this acne remedy. Take a few drops of the oil on a clean cotton swab and apply it all over the acne. There may be a bit of stinging sensation. Leave the oil on the zits for a few hours. Do at least 3 applications in a day. The zits will go away within a few days of treatment.
12. Aloe Vera
If there is one plant that offers hundreds of beauty benefits, aloe vera it is. Aloe vera can fight blemishes and acne and also soothes irritated skin. Regular application of aloe gel can soothe, heal and fight pimples and blemishes.
How to use: Directly cut open the Aloe leaf. Extract the gel and apply it on the zits. Leave it on for as many hours as possible, preferably overnight. Wash off with warm water. Repeat application 3-4 times daily when you want to get rid of zits that pop up suddenly.
13. Toothpaste – How to Clear Acne Overnight
Does toothpaste get rid of pimples? Removing pimples overnight is easy when you use toothpaste spot treatment. Toothpaste helps dry the pimples out overnight and reduces scars and marks left by acne.
How to use: Wash and cleanse the face. Dry it gently. Apply a liberal amount of toothpaste on the acne marks and scars. Do not use gel toothpaste or whitening toothpaste. Use regular varieties only for getting rid acne and acne marks.
14. Strawberries
How to get rid of acne fast? Simple, use strawberries on them! Strawberries contain vitamin C which fades pimple scars and marks and leaves you with clear complexion. They also contain fruit acids that are helpful in drying acne.
How to use: Mash overripe strawberries with a spoon. Apply the pulp on the acne scars and marks. Leave it on for a few hours. Wash off with cold water. Repeat two to three times a week to get rid of zits quickly.
15. Banana Peels
Banana peels for pimples is a wonderful fold remedy that really works! Banana peels contain many active compounds including derivatives of Vitamin A that work beautifully against all kinds of skin problems and especially pimples.
How to use: Only use overripe banana peels. Use the inside of the peel to rub on the acne. Keep rubbing the skin gently until the peel turns brown. Let the skin dry naturally. You can then rinse it off with warm water. Try to leave the banana on the zits for at least 30 minutes.
16. Baking Soda
Baking soda for pimples is a wonderful grandma’s remedy that can help you get rid of zits overnight. It lightens and fades scars and dries up active pimples overnight.
How to use: Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply a thick paste of this mixture on the acne and blackheads. Leave it on for as little as 15 minutes or as long as 3-4 hours. In either case, you will see fantastic results in the form of diminished scarring and clearer complexion.
17. Dead Sea Mud Mask: How to Get rid of Pimples Overnight?
The reason we are including the Pure Body Naturals Beauty Dead Sea Mud Mask in our list of 25 natural remedies to get rid of acne is because of the popularity and rave reviews it has received. If you want to get rid of pimples overnight, try this mud mask as it is very effective.
This 24 hour acne treatment has been rated 4.5 stars by thousands of users on Amazon. AcneFree 24 hour Severe Acne Clearing System is packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals and is highly effective against blackheads and other blemishes.
It helps draws out oils and toxins, cleans pores, and may leave your face feeling exfoliated, nourished and clean. it is made with awesome ingredients to use on face and body.
Pure Body Naturals Beauty Dead Sea Mud Mask contains minerals and nutrients like aloe vera, dead sea mud, kaolin clay, shea butter, calendula oil, jojoba oil, hickory bark extract which pull out excess oils and toxins leaving your skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated.
It is suitable for use on sensitive skin and it really works! You can get more details about this amazing mask here.
How to use: Apply a thick layer and leave it on for 5 minutes. When washing off, use circular motion. Use two times a week for acne prone skin.
18. Cucumber Juice
Cucumber for acne reviews show that this remedy is indeed one of the fastest way to get rid of pimples overnight. Cucumber balances the pH of the skin and help reduce inflammatory action caused by dirt, sebum and the P. Acnes bacterium.
How to use: Grate some cucumber. Apply the collected juice all over the acne scars and blemishes. You can also mix grated cucumber juice with some plain yogurt and use this face pack to get rid of acne redness overnight.
19. Semen for Acne!
Male semen facials are increasingly popular and as disgusting as it might sound, a Norwegian cosmetic company (Bioforskning) is actually synthesizing semen to create a face cream that can fight wrinkles, blemishes and a host of other skin problems. Semen contains many vitamins and antioxidants that can zap pimples overnight!
How to use: Acquire some semen in any way you can (we need not go into details!) and apply it over the pimple. Let it remain on the skin overnight! Hello beautiful!
20. Hemorrhoid Cream
Hemorrhoid cream doesn’t just cure piles and fissures; it can also be used as an under-the-eye cream to reduce eye puffiness. Most hemorrhoid creams contain hydrocortisone and phenylephrin (a nasal decongestant) so use it sparingly on the acne as it can make the skin thinner with prolonged use.
How to use: Apply the cream on the pimple. Let it remain overnight.
21. Saliva
Saliva actually contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. Applying saliva has helped many people reduce the size of the cystic acne and also reduced pain and inflammation.
How to use: Apply generous amount of saliva on the zit. Let it dry overnight.
22. Aspirin
Aspirin contains salicylic acid that dries up acne fast.
How to use: Dissolve 4 aspirin pills in 2 tbsp of water. Apply the paste and leave it on the zits overnight to get rid of acne fast.
23. AcneFree 24 Hour Severe Acne Clearing System Review
If you want to get rid of acne in less than 24 hours, and the above remedies do not work because your acne are severe, then try the 24 hour AcneFree Severe Acne Clearing System which contains Anti-Acne Cleansing Wash, Corrective Toner, Maximum Strength Repair Lotion and Retinol Complex and works continuously to eliminate the bacteria and dry up the zits in less than 24 hours.
It contains salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide which work continuously to help you clear up acne pimples and zits in less than one day. Many users have felt that this acne system is better than Proactiv for acne. The product is highly researched in that, a study was conducted on nearly 170 acne sufferers aged 12-45 in Colorado Sprigs, CO and Dallas.
The system showed comparable results with Proactiv 3 – Step system but it’s less expensive.
The 24 Hour Clearing Kit is suitable for every person who suffers from acne because it comes in two other varieties – regular strength with less benzoyl peroxide than the above system for severe acne and Sensitive Skin 24 Hour Acne Clearing System that includes cleanser with salicylic acid which is quite gentle but very effective.
How to use: Use twice a day. Apply the cleanser in circular motion. Follow up with toner and moisturizer. The product may be used on neck, back and chest acne.
How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast
24. Diet Control
Yes, yes I know, this method will not help instantly but I included it here because diet is so important for your skin health.
Foods to avoid for acne-alcohol, butter, cheese, milk, cream, sugar, red meat, processed grains, sausages, salami, deep fried greasy foods, carbonated drinks. Foods to eat – alkaline foods and foods with low glycemic index. These include plain yogurt, fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, fish, flax seeds, walnuts, oysters and green tea.
25. Stress Control
Stress plays a major role in pimples. So try and reduce stress through physical exercise as well as mind body practices like meditation, deep breathing etc.
So this is how to get rid of acne fast. Have you tried any of the remedies mentioned in this article? I would love you to share which one is your top choice.
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