1. This grocery store uses balloons in its produce section to easily signal where all your favorite fruits and veggies are.

MysteryFro / Via reddit.com
2. This store has an aisle dedicated as a meet-up point if you get separated from your spouse.

TheRoofIsNotMyChild / Via reddit.com
3. This grocery store has air-conditioned, comfortable stalls to keep your dog locked up and safe while you shop.

Flixen01 / Via reddit.com
4. While this supermarket has carts specifically designed to transport your pets around the store.

MerleChi / Via reddit.com
5. This grocery store puts your frozen items in blue bags, so you know what to put away first when you get home.

cakefraustin / Via reddit.com
6. Employees at this grocery store tie plastic bags underneath the handle of the milk jug to better support the weight.

Pirate720 / Via reddit.com
7. This store's carts have an aisle directory on them so you can find your food fast.

lannister77 / Via reddit.com
8. While this store's carts have an actual TABLET on them, where you can search for anything you need.

rocker248 / Via reddit.com
9. This grocery store has a meat vending machine outside, in case you need to pick something up after they've closed.

doubleflusher / Via reddit.com
10. This grocery store has a bar in the middle of it, for any folks who are waiting for their friend or spouse to finish shopping.

BzRic / Via reddit.com
11. This grocery store's bathroom lets you test the various brands of toilet paper they sell.

shishdem / Via reddit.com
12. This supermarket has a second cart area in the back of the store, for those times you underestimate how much you need to buy.

RumCheddar / Via reddit.com
13. This grocery store offers a "free chilling service" that can make your wine cold in just five minutes.

juggernaut_alpha / Via reddit.com
14. This grocery store's carts have a magnifying glass attached to them, to help you read food labels more easily.

vaccamao / Via reddit.com
15. This grocery store sells tubs filled with JUST the marshmallows from Lucky Charms.

ejfg / Via reddit.com
16. This grocery store lets you pick your own mushrooms.

BlondeRed / Via reddit.com
17. This supermarket prints labels right on the produce itself using an edible ink to reduce packaging waste.

Swee_et / Via reddit.com
18. And speaking of reducing packaging waste, this grocer uses paper bags for its produce instead of plastic.

treanegno / Via reddit.com
19. This grocery store bundles up "cocktails to go" for that last-minute tailgate or pregame.

Jam314 / Via reddit.com
20. This grocery store has a machine that can dry out smartphones that have gotten wet.

needuhlife19 / Via reddit.com
21. This grocery store has a clever way of protecting people's privacy in the pharmacy section.

GIGALARGZADON / Via reddit.com
22. This grocery store's shelf price tags are ~digital~.

ali_g_aiii / Via reddit.com
23. This grocery store gives out free fruit to kids.

BrandoCommando34 / Via reddit.com
24. This grocery store has a "banana color guide" to make sure you buy them at the perfect ripeness.

OneMensTrash / Via reddit.com
25. This grocery store has a clever system for making sure every cart is in working order.

Master-Obvious / Via reddit.com
26. This grocery store offers a check-out line without candy, to avoid any tantrums from kids.

KrazoaSpirit / Via reddit.com
27. This grocery store sells the "ugly" produce at a discount to prevent food waste.

x1pitviper1x / Via reddit.com
28. This grocery store keeps the wait times short by guaranteeing that if you're fourth in line, your groceries are free.

jamisonv / Via reddit.com
29. And finally, this grocery store has a dedicated shelf for products you don't want anymore, to stop people from ditching their stuff in random aisles.

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