Use These 4 Magic Plants and forget about hair loss No More Hair Transplant Operation

You went to the hairdresser and regret having cut your long hair? The hair grows on average from 0.6 cm to 1.3 cm per month, so you will have to be patient. However, some tips and tricks can help you grow your hair faster.

Plants with virtues “Magic”

The plants have many virtues in multiple areas and are often used to treat the hair. To speed up the regrowth of these, some plants are more effective than others.

-Aloe Vera: You can directly apply aloe Vera leaves on your roots, it allows to activate the regrowth of the hair thanks to its stimulating power on the bloodstream.

-Nettle: This plant known for intense stinging also has many virtues thanks to the enzymes it contains. Boil nettle leaves in water and pour the “potion” into a vaporizer to make it easier to apply to your hair. Then rinse as for a conditioner.

Rosemary: You can use rosemary like nettle, boiling it and spraying it in your hair. But you don’t have to rinse it out. Rosemary has stimulating and invigorating virtues.

-Lavender: Lavender oil is very effective for activating hair regrowth. You can use it as an ordinary care oil.

