Beauty treatment: How to use borage oil?

Antiwrinkles, regenerative and restorative, this little-known oil sublimates our hair, our skin and our nails. We reveal all its benefits and its different uses.

How is it obtained?
It is extracted from the seeds of the borage flower. The latter is recognized thanks to its blue color and its star shape. It grows mostly in dry and sunny places. Like other vegetable oils, it can be obtained by the traditional method of cold pressure. The seeds are sorted, then passed “Cold” to the press. The oil is this first juice obtained. It contains all the essential assets of the plant. It is very recognizable by its greenish-yellow color and its characteristic slightly tart odor.

What are her beauty trumps?
The advantages of borage oil are numerous. First, it has anti-aging properties. It is regenerative and restorative. It includes omega-6 (essential fatty acids, including linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid) and phytosterols. These different active ingredients are effectively involved in rehydration of the skin, improving its flexibility and elasticity, restoring sensitive skins while limiting skin ageing. It can therefore limit the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face, neck and body.

Second, it acts as an anti-stretch mark: Its regenerative action reduces the appearance of stretch marks. Then borage oil has energizing properties. Borage vegetable oil restoring strength, brilliance and vitality to brittle and dull hair. It also helps to speed up the hair growth and to fight against the fall of the hair. Finally, it effectively repairs the skin and nails: You can finally say goodbye to your brittle nails.

Who is she for?
Rest assured, you can all enjoy its fabulous benefits because it is suitable for all types of skin. But its action will be all the more remarkable on skins that require a lot of care: dry, devitalized, mature, wrinkled, irritated, fragile or sensitive skins.

How to use it?
Borage oil is used in different ways. The first, in skin care. You can use it as a treatment cream or as a massage base. It can be applied pure or associated with other vegetable oils or essential oils. On your face, it will be able to play the role of your usual day cream and totally replace it. The trick in addition: to improve its penetration in your skin, you can mix it with a more penetrating vegetable oil, such as jojoba oil for example.

You can also use it to care for your hair. Borage vegetable oil can be applied in Hair balm, shampoo, conditioner or massage oil. For example, for complete care, massage your hair with this oil, wrap it with a towel and let stand for a few hours.

Your nails too can enjoy it. Before your manicure, soak your nails 5 to 10 minutes in a pure borage oil bath.

How to keep it?
Like all other vegetable oils, it must be placed in the shelter of the light. Indeed, it oxidizes very quickly. So avoid pouring it into a transparent vial. It can be kept for 8 to 9 months after opening.
