Hearing impairments are threatening us sooner and later. Too few people are adopting effective prevention measures. Démêlons the true of the fake to preserve our auditory capital.
There is no cure for tinnitus
False. The hisses and persistent murmurs heard by 16 million of French are not inevitable. 5% of them, of vascular or muscular origin, are curable. A venous anomaly can create turbulence that generates a tinnitus. A little surgery will solve the problem. “A blockage of the cervical vertebrae can also induce severe tinnitus,” observes Dr. Martine Obi, Ent. By restoring mobility to the bones, an osteopath often manages to eliminate the noise. “Unfortunately, in most cases tinnitus is a hearing impairment that is impossible to eradicate. “But we can domesticate them,” says Dr. Obi, with a multidisciplinary management: a hearing aid to compensate for the loss of hearing and sophrology to learn to live better with its tinnitus. ”
It is not necessary to fall asleep an audio headphones on the ears
True. These helmets, which emit a lot of decibels very close to the inner ear, are harmful at high doses. If their volume is pushed deep (beyond 80 dB), they destroy the hair cells of the cochlea that convert the sounds into a nervous message. The under-30s who live the headphones taped to the ears have a risk of obvious overexposure. According to the audiologist Jean-Louis Horvilleur, “Some exceed 7 hours of cumulative listening per day, with uninterrupted slices of 3 hours “. To avoid early deafness, pauses must be made every 45 minutes. Impossible by falling asleep the helmet on the ears!
A whistle persists after a concert? It is better to consult
True. Acute sound trauma should not be neglected. Its impact can be irreversible. Exposure to intense noise effectively alters the ear’s sensory cells and causes tinnitus (29% of cases) and/or a decrease in hearing acuity (32%). The solution: Put your ears to rest and consult quickly an ENT. If the attack is moderate, corticosteroids and vasodilators will be sufficient to neutralize the process of destroying the cells. And if the damage is more important, hyperbaric oxygenation sessions (in a box) are prescribed.
You have to make a hearing report to a child in school trouble
True. Low or moderate deafness is poorly detected in children: 0.1% of kindergarten and CP students tested in classes are unaware of hearing impaired. But a good audition is indispensable for academic and social success. Otherwise, children get tired quickly, concentrate poorly, or even struggle to acquire oral language. A hearing report is therefore advisable in case of school difficulties, especially if the child articulates poorly or has been the victim of repeated otitis. In the event of a deficiency, the equipment is often the best solution (from 4 months). If the prosthesis is ineffective, a cochlear implant may be considered.
The hyperacusis is irreparable
False. This painful hypersensitivity to ordinary noises (motorbike, cinema…) is not definitive if it is treated. “Many patients have the reflex to protect their ears to the maximum,” observes Dr. Obi, but it is a mistake because they become intolerant to the sound environment. “The mere jingle of a spoon ends up being unbearable. A re-education of the ear using white noise generators may suffice to solve the problem within a few weeks.
Excessive noise can make you fat
True. Noise pollution ruins our silhouette. According to a Swedish study, the people most exposed to noise have a body mass index (BMI) higher than the others. In five years, their waistline can widen by 2 cm. The stress associated with noise increases the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that promotes the accumulation of adipose tissue. Noise also increases blood pressure and weakens sleep. The solution: foam or silicone earplugs.
Hearing loss is inevitable
True. The ear is getting older. The hair cells of the inner ear deteriorate thus little by little, causing a hearing loss. This natural phenomenon, says Presbycusis, often begins to manifest in the Fifties. But the thirties, whose ears have been strained, are increasingly concerned. The treble sounds get thinner first. Although irreversible, this age-related hearing loss is palling with the wearing of prosthetics, which are increasingly discreet. Those of last generations (WiFi and Bluetooth), directly take the calls of the mobile!
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