Description of the button on the nose.
The buttons refer to several types of dermatology lesions. These may include pustules (white-headed buttons), papules (red pimples), cysts, nodules (red masses) or various lesions. The buttons on the nose can therefore have a varied appearance depending on the dermatitis in question.
The nose is an area where buttons appear frequently. The skin of the nose is sensitive, exposed to the environment (pollution, dust, etc.) and is the seat of an important sebum production.
Most often, pimples on the nose are acne lesions: comedones (blackheads) on the nose wings, pustules or papules. They can be isolated, but usually a person who has acne pimples on his nose also has it on his forehead, chin, or even the rest of the face.
In the case of buttons located exclusively on the nose, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. In general, any new rash, whether or not accompanied by fever, should lead to consultation, especially in children.
Depending on the case, the buttons can be accompanied by:
- of pain;
- of inflammation;
- or even itching.
What’s causing the pimples on the nose?
Most often the pimples on the nose are acne pimples. Acne is an extremely common dermatosis, which affects varying degrees 80% of adolescents, and about a quarter of adults (mostly women). The center of the face is a common “target” of acne, especially at the level of the nose wings.
There are several types of acne:
- Acne Diaper-Pustule: This is the most frequent presentation, it combines micro-cysts and papules, as well as Comedones (blackheads) and pustules;
- Acne Retention: Non-inflammatory lesions, associating comedones and micro-cysts. It is often a starting juvenile acne;
- Nodular or Conglobata acne, and acne fulminans: These are severe and chronic forms of acne, characterized by the presence of inflammatory nodules (face and trunk). Abscesses or fistulas can form. The lesions are numerous and are not located only on the nose;
- Professional acne: caused by exposure to certain products such as mineral oils, crude oil, coal tar derivatives, insecticides…
Lesions located on the nose are often associated with puberty. In adulthood, the pimples are more touching the bottom of the face.
Other types of dermatitis can cause lesions in the nose.
This can be:
- Wart (human papillomavirus lesion), skinny or flat;
- Couperose
- Diaper-pustule type rosacea;
- Use of poor quality cosmetics
- Stains, moles, nevus, precancerous lesions (even melanoma) or cysts may also appear on the nose;
- insect bites;
- or even skin allergies.
Viral infections, especially in childhood, can also cause pimples on the face. This is for example the case of chickenpox.
Treatment and prevention: what solutions?
Many treatments exist against acne. To begin with, it is important to follow a few simple rules to prevent the lesions from infecting:
- Avoid manipulating pimples, at the risk of encysting them and worsening acne;
- Use hygienic products suitable for acne skins (not comedogenic);
- Prohibit repeated cleaning with alcoholic or antiseptic lotions;
- For women, remove makeup every night to prevent pores from clogging up;
- Apply sunscreen suitable for acne or mixed skins (the sun temporarily reduces inflammation but is followed by an acne spurt in the fall);
- No scientific study has clearly established a link between diet and acne at this time.
Some natural products (zinc, tea oil…) can be effective against acne.
On the side of creams and medications, several products can be used, depending on the severity of the acne and the type of lesion. The purpose of the treatment is to reduce the production and retention of sebum and to limit the inflammatory reaction.
In case of mild to moderate acne, the dermatologist prescribes local treatments:
- Rétinoïnes-based Cream;
- Cream based on benzoyl peroxide;
- Local antibiotics;
- Azelaic acid gel or cream.
In case of more widespread acne (all face, back) of oral antibiotics, hormones (contraceptives or anti-androgen treatments) or even stronger treatments can sometimes be prescribed.
If the pimples on the nose are not pimples of acne, the dermatologist will propose other solutions adapted to the lesion. These may include corticosteroid creams, laser treatments, ablation (for example, in case of an annoying mole), or an anti-wart treatment. In the event of a viral infection, the pimples disappear spontaneously after a few days.
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