Pollen allergy: 15 reflexes to avoid hay fever.

That says reappearance of the beautiful days, says great return of sensitivities to pollen. So, to protect yourself from seasonal allergic rhinitis, discover 15 urgent reflexes to adopt!

Whether they live in the city or in the countryside, people who are allergic to pollen are not spared. As soon as the beautiful days arrive, the first symptoms appear: red and watery eyes, runny nose, repetitive sneezing… The most sensitive can be really disturbed in contact with Pollens.

To improve a little the daily life of people prone to allergic rhinitis, some reflexes and tips exist… Just know them and apply them!

Do not roll open windows
Whether it is in town or in the countryside, the pollen fly, and if you drive the windows open, you are very much exposed. Moreover, when you are in town, you have a double problem: pollution adds to the pollen and increases their irritating potential!

Ventilate its interior… But not anytime
Like the whole year, even in case of allergies to pollen, it is necessary to continue to aerate its interior at least twice a day. But as the plants pollinate when the sun is warmer, from 11 am in the morning, and until about 17 pm in the evening, we fluffs every room of the house at least 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.

Undressing on the way home
As soon as you come from the outside, you get pollen into your home… The reflex to adopt is therefore to remove his clothes when coming home. Be careful to undress in a room other than the room, to avoid scattering the pollen on the bed linen…
Before you put them back on, we wash them, or at least shake them out of the window.

Avoiding walks in the middle of nature
Even if it is very tempting with the beautiful days that are back, it when one is allergic to pollen, it is better to avoid going for a stroll in the countryside, in the forest or even in the parks in town…

From May June there is a big spike in pollen allergies, if you are very sensitive, you opt instead for an indoor picnic, where in a place where there is not too much exposure to pollen.

Do not dry the laundry outside
With the beautiful days, it is tempting to dry the clothes in the open air. But the fibers of the linen collect the pollen, which are then brought back inside… It is thus avoided to extend its linen in the gardens or on the balconies.

Avoid rubbing your eyes
Fatigue, dust in the eye… When the pollen wander in the air, we try not to rub their eyes so as not to deposit pollen. And if necessary, we wash our hands before!

Think about changing the anti-pollen filters at your garage
It is not known at times, but the air vents of recent cars are equipped with anti-pollen filters, and to be effective, they must be changed regularly. Every year then, before March, we think of going to his mechanic to change these filters.

Vacuuming more often
When one FLUFFSS its interior, or returns from the outside, pollen are put on the tissues. We are therefore thinking of vacuuming carpets, carpets and other fabrics more often.

Rinse your hair
Hair, especially long hair, are pollen collectors… Then we wash, or at least we rinse our hair in clear water at the end of the day, so that the pollen do not rest on the pillow when we go to bed.

Brushing hair
If you can’t rinse your hair, be sure to brush them out of the room before you go to bed. To do as often as possible. It is better than nothing and it will remove a part of the pollen that have deposited there.

Wash the sheets every week
If you do not have the habit of washing your sheets every week, in times of pollination, you have to think about doing it if you are sensitive to it.

No sport during peaks.
This advice is valid especially for people with asthma. In case of pollen spikes, it is necessary to avoid physical activity. Before you go out running for example, you can use the RNSA application available on smartphone. It allows you to know, depending on the type of pollen you are allergic to, whether the risks are high or not. If not, choose to run in the early morning or evening.

On the days when it rains (less pleasant, you are granted) you can do sports without risk.

Wash your hands very regularly.
Not only do you have to wash your hands when you come from the outside to remove the bacteria, but if you are allergic to pollen, you have to do it often to avoid touching your face and dropping them in your eyes.

Put on your sunglasses
If you don’t wear eyeglasses, you can wear sunglasses when you go out, to protect your eyes and avoid pollen sticking to the conjunctive.

Wash your nose
The nose is the first filter, so that the pollen do not settle there, it is necessary to think of clean it with saline, with clear water or with salt water. To do morning and evening.

If the allergy has an impact on the quality of life: impossibility of physical activity, problems of concentration at work or at school, appearances of sleep disturbances, it is important to consult an allergist, who may prescribe a Treatment adapted to the patient.

