How to take care of oily skin? How to clean a greasy skin? Should I moisturize oily skin?

Oily skins are characterized by an excessive secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. To avoid the appearance of pimples and the skin does not shine too much, here are our tips for treating oily skin.


  1. What are the characteristics of oily skin?
  2. My Daily oily skin

What are the characteristics of oily skin?

Oily skin can be linked to different factors: heredity, hormonal imbalances, stress, pollution, tobacco and climate change. It is characterized by an important sebum production, called “La seborrhea “. The skin is oily and shiny-especially in the area T (forehead, nose and chin)-and it becomes the terrain conducive to the appearance of pimples, blackheads and all kinds of impurities that clog the pores and smother the skin. Note: Oily skin often goes along with a greasy scalp.
In case of acne associated, it is better to consult a dermatologist. Ditto, if oily skin is accompanied by excessive hair flares, it is better to seek the advice of a dermatologist because it can be a hormonal deregulation (puberty, poorly dosed pill, pregnancy etc.). In some cases, a drug or hormonal treatment is required.

My daily oily skin …

How to clean a greasy skin?
It is recommended that you clean your oily skin twice a day (morning and evening), with mild hygiene products, such as syndets or fat-free, alcohol-free and soapy breads (which increase sebum production). It is also possible to apply a special lotion “Oily skins” or a micellar water, which cleans and removes makeup gently. To avoid: products that are too detergents that attack the skin and which, contrary to what we think, tend to favour the production of sebum.

Should I moisturize oily skin?
Moisturizing your skin is essential, even when it is oily. However, it is necessary to choose a moisturizing treatment with an ultra light texture; A matifying cream, for example, that absorbs excess sebum through “blotting powders” and rebalances the skin in the longer term thanks to two essential components, copper and zinc.

What about Scrubs?
Oily skin will dirty faster than others, so it is essential to perform scrubs. However, an excessively stripping and too frequent cleaning promotes what is called the rebound effect, i.e. an overproduction of sebum (the inverse effect of what one wishes!). A scrub once a week is enough. In addition, it is necessary to make clay masks twice a month. The clay absorbs excess sebum and regulates its production.

How to make a greasy skin?
The use of makeup when you have oily skin is not contraindicated but you have to choose suitable products. Using a tinted cream or a very covering foundation will only make the situation worse by provoking inflammatory thrusts and promoting the appearance of all kinds of impurities like blackheads. It is better to choose a light foundation or mineral foundation that absorbs excess sebum by its powder texture. To be preferred: products marked “not comedogenic “.

My oily skin in the sun
If the sun improves the condition of the skin, it is only temporary. It often follows an upsurge in sebum production and pimples. To avoid this rebound effect, it is necessary to use a suitable, non-comedogenic and mineral sun protection.

Oily Skin and diet
We often hear that a large diet of fatty and sweet foods (charcuterie, candies,…) is a resurgence of sebum. Yet there is no proven link between this type of food and oily skin. In any case, a balanced and reasonable diet can only be beneficial to health.

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