How to relieve heel pain? And when to consult?

You can reduce heel pain by avoiding too much of your foot, wearing a gel heel and applying ice. Also, taking anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers can relieve you. If Talalgie persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult your doctor.

What to do in case of TALALGIE heel pain?
If your heel is sore, you can act on your symptoms. To do this, apply the following tips as soon as the first signs appear:

-Put your foot to rest as much as possible;
-Avoid carrying heavy loads if it aggravates the pain;
-Move while walking, without running, if possible on rather soft soils;
-Do not walk barefoot but wear shoes that offer good arch support;
-Apply ice to the sore area of the heel for 10 to 15 minutes, twice daily;
-Wear a gel heel in your shoe, to cushion the shocks when you walk.

What medications to take to relieve a heel pain?
In order to relieve Talalgie, you can use one of the following two types of medications:

An anti-inflammatory steroidal or “NSAIDs” (ibuprofen, ketoprofen), or aspirin. Anti-inflammatory drugs should not be associated with each other or with aspirin. They should be used for as short a time as possible.

If you are undertaking this type of drug treatment without prescription, here are some tips to apply:

  • Do not use a drug if you present one of the contraindications specified in the leaflet;
  • Follow the instructions recommended by the manual (maximum daily dose, quantity and frequency of catches, minimum interval between two catches) to avoid toxic overdose or habituation of the product;
  • For the same reasons, avoid associating or alternating analgesics with different compositions (except medical advice).

In any case, do not hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Sore heel: When to consult?
Consult your attending physician if you are in one of the following situations:

  • Heel pain is sudden and violent and occurs after trauma;
  • Your heel becomes red and swollen;
  • You can’t put the heel on the floor;
  • After two to three weeks of home care, the pain does not pass, worsen or recur after a period of lull;
  • You have other symptoms (sciatica, joint pain, fever, psoriasis, abdominal pain, diarrhea…)

Also plan a consultation if:

  • In addition to Talalgie, you have a chronic illness (ankylosing spondylitis, diabetes, lower limb arteriopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis…);
  • The talalgie concerns your child.

To help your doctor diagnose, analyze your symptoms before consulting:

  • On what part of the heel does the pain occur?
  • Does it concern only one or both of your heels?
  • What is its intensity (moderate, intense or very intense, to the point of having you limp)?
  • How long have you been presenting these symptoms?
  • Are they permanent and/or associated with other signs?
  • Does the pain worsen during your physical or sporting activities?
  • Does the pain show up at the end of the night, with a decrease in intensity one to two hours after waking up or rather in the morning as soon as you walk or lean on your foot?

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