The tampon is one of the two hygienic protections most used by women today. This little piece of cotton holds the blood when flowing the rules directly into the vagina. Find everything you need to know about stamps: when to start using it, how to put a tampon, what are the risks associated with this type of hygienic protections…
Tampon: From when to use?
There is no age to start putting a tampon. Contrary to what one might think, it is not reserved for women who have already had sexual intercourse. The hymen is pierced in the center, allowing to use this type of hygienic protection.
And no, you’re not going to tear up your hymen by putting pads on. Just to soften it up along the way.
Of course, the buffer is used only during the rules. Outside, you may dry out your vagina and cause vaginal dryness.
Depending on the abundance of your feed, there are various sizes for this hygienic protection ranging from mini tampon to maxi for women with abundant flow.
How to put a tampon?
We all asked ourselves one day: How will I manage to put a tampon? With applicator or without, inserting a tampon can be tricky the first time.
Certainly the marks always slip a small notice in the packs of hygienic protections, but if you ask the question again, here is the ultimate technique.
For the first time, you can place a mirror underneath the vagina. First wash your hands and then unpack the tampon. The easiest way is to get squat or sit on the toilet, to have more leeway.
Grab the tampon with your thumb and forefinger and place the tampon at the entrance of the vagina, slightly skewed. Push it gently with the index finger. You’ll see, it will naturally find the right angle.
And above all, relax and don’t insist if you feel resistance. Reorient it in the angle that suits you best. If you are contracted, you risk getting hurt or wrong positioning. If the tampon is badly put, it will embarrass you, remove it and try again.
All this may sound a little technical, but you will see, with practice, you will do it without even thinking about it.
And to know when to remove it, it’s simple! As soon as the buffer appears to you “heavy ” and you feel it, it is necessary to change it. Usually every three to four hours. Just pull the little string out of the tampon. The duration of the buffer can vary depending on your flow. Think about adapting the size of your tampon, so you don’t have to go to the bathroom every hour.
On the other hand, never wear a tampon more than 8h, so it is not to be preferred during the night. Beyond the 8h of Port of the tampon, the risks of toxic shock increase…
What are the precautions to be taken with the pads?
The most known danger of tampon use is the toxic shock syndrome. This very rare infectious disease comes from the development of a golden staph in the vagina. This very dangerous bacterium is responsible for food poisoning, suppurates and rarely localized infections, of physical sepsis.
For some time now we have been hearing more and more scandals about stamps. Latest in Date: the stamp tax. Until the end of 2015, hygienic protections sold in large areas were taxed at 20%. They are now at 5.5% and therefore considered as a primary necessity.
The controversy over the pesticides in the stamps also had a broad echo in the media. According to the National Institute of Consumer Affairs (INC) has unveiled the presence of residues type dioxins, glyphosate and pesticides in our hygienic protections. These substances are part of endocrine disrupts.
Nevertheless, the use of tampon is always widespread, and many women have no worries with this type of hygienic protections. If you want a reusable hygienic protection, consider the menstrual cup.
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