Hair Transplant : What is it? Everything you want to know about Hair Plantation

Hair loss can start very early. This is not a fatality.
To cope with hair loss, including when it starts early, there are (simple) solutions that help you find your hair and keep it.

The principle of capillaries (implants) is simple: hair is collected in the area of the rear crown, where they never fall, then reimplanted forward, in the area of the forehead and the shade.

Because they were too wide, the old hair grafts, called mini grafts, were sometimes unsightly.

Now we practice micro-grafts, hair by hair, much more aesthetic. After several sessions and a period of growth, it is possible to find a real and definitive hair, perfectly natural because it consists of its own hair.

In some cases, capillary grafts can be replaced or supplemented by simple interventions, such as reduced tones and hair flaps. With these surgical techniques, the result is very fast (a few days), but the scars are sometimes visible. If you are hesitant, let your cosmetic surgeon advise you on the best solution.

Rates range from 2500 to 9000 euros, depending on the number of micro grafts to be performed. The cost varies also depending on the surgeon. The intervention is not taken care of by the social security.

Hair Transplant: before operation

A pre-operative protocol is proposed and it is essential to respect it.
There must be at least two medical consultations with the surgeon who will practice micro-grafts. He will conduct an in-depth interrogation to review your personal, family history and assess the appropriate treatment strategy.

It will eventually prescribe a blood test and a treatment to be taken prior to the procedure.

A legal period of 15 days must be respected between the first consultation and the surgical procedure. This delay allows you not to decide the operation in haste, but also to put into practice the recommendations of the surgeon to ensure the smooth running of the intervention.

During the two weeks preceding the intervention:

No medications containing aspirin should be taken;
Ongoing treatments should be reported to the surgeon;
Quitting smoking is recommended because of the risk of necrosis associated with smoking.
On the day of surgery, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and do not apply any additional product.

If the doctor chooses to operate under general anesthesia, you must present yourself on an empty stomach, that is to say eat nothing or drink at least 6 hours before the procedure.

Intervention can be performed at any age (after 18 years).

Depending on the stage of evolution of baldness, it may however be discouraged.

Hair Transplant: How does a micro graft session take place?

Micro-graft sessions are performed under local anesthesia or mild general anesthesia.

The first step is to get the plugins from the back zone. Then they are prepared and implanted, one by one, in the previous areas. The session is painless but long enough, lasting from 2 hours to 3h 30. This one is over, you can relax in an ergonomic chair before going home the same day.

Micro-grafts are done at the surgeon’s office or in ambulatory surgery: You can go out on the day of the procedure.

However, several sessions may be necessary.

Hair Transplant: After the operation

Small crusts (the size of a pin head) will form on the skin and then spontaneously detach.

After a month, most of the hair on the grafts falls.

The transplanted hair will therefore fall at first, then start to grow 2 to 3 months after the procedure.

It will take 3 to 4 months to get an idea of the outcome.

Expect a period of professional downtime of 2 to 5 days, depending on your activity.

During the two weeks following the procedure, avoid:

Exposure to the sun (wear a hat in case of intense sunshine);
Sea baths, swimming pool, sauna, Hammam;
Sports, including water sports, and violent efforts;
Drying in the hairdryer (hot air);
Coloring and styling products.
The skull can be washed from the day after the procedure using mild shampoo or Isobétadine shampoo. However, a few precautions are necessary:

The treated area should not be exposed to water for more than one minute in the first few days,
The shower jet should not directly touch the scalp.
The hair will be wiped gently with a clean towel, without rubbing, and will have to dry in the open air.

The doctor will eventually prescribe a disinfectant spray, to be applied once or twice a day on the scars.

Hair Transplant: what specialty?
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery is the specialty involved in hair transplants.
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery is designed to repair, rebuild or improve the appearance of the body at birth or as a result of an accident, illness or intervention.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery really began to exist with the return of the front of the soldiers of the first and Second World War. Today, it has a place in the treatment of scars, post-cancer re-buildings (especially breast cancer), congenital malformations.

Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, involves people who wish to change their appearance without any real pathology.

It is based on the individual appreciation of the aesthetic or unsightly character of certain parts of the body.

It is only in very rare exceptions reimbursed by the social security, contrary to the interventions of reconstructive surgery.
