6 Benefits of knitting on the health that no one knows

Learning how to knit may not be in 1st place on your “to do List… ” But it should! Eh no, knitting is not reserved for your grandmother! Figure that knitting is an activity full of benefits that no one knows.

Not to mention the pleasure of having at the end something that you will have done yourself, pleasant to wear, in which you can snuggle or that you can offer.

Rest assured! You are no longer obligated to buy this horrible wool that itches… Now we find very soft wool.

1. Knitting makes you proud.
Few people know how to knit. Showing one of your accomplishments to someone who has no idea how you got into it is like making a magic trick! Besides the look of others, doing something with one’s own hands is always very rewarding. You will be proud of yourself, even if your little sweater or scarf is not perfect, you made them from a to Z!

2. Knitting is as beneficial as meditating.
Once you have mastered the knitting technique, knit is a very relaxing activity. When you realize a simple piece, the stitches are always the same. So you can escape mentally and let your memory of gestures work automatically. The repetitive and relaxing movement will provide your body and mind with the same benefits as a meditation session. Except you’ll have a nice blanket at the end!

3. Knitting relieves the symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.
The rhythmic movements and concentration necessary for your work help you to divert your attention from the causes of anxiety, depression or stress. Knitting comfortably sits helps to decrease your heart rate and lower your blood pressure after just a few minutes. As soon as you feel the first signs of anxiety or depression you invade, grab your knitting needles to help you contain these symptoms.

4. Knit develops your psycho-motor functions.
Knitting stimulates the whole brain: the frontal lobe (which directs the process of rewards, attention and planning), the parietal lobe (which treats sensory information and spatial navigation), the occipital lobe (which processes information visual), the temporal lobe (which is involved in storing memories and interpreting language and meaning) and the cerebellum (which coordinates the accuracy and planning of movements). Knitting is thus an activity used to help people with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. This improves the motor skills of the patients and makes them forget the other often painful symptoms.

5. Knitting slows cognitive decline.
If it improves your motor functions and mood, knitting also stimulates your brain to keep it healthy. Like any muscle, the more you ask for it, the healthier your brain will be for a long time. According to several recent studies, older people engaged in manual work (such as knitting) see the risk of “mild cognitive impairment” declining by 30 to 50% compared to those who do not.

6. Knitting helps prevent osteoarthritis and tendinitis.
As with your brain, you need to mobilize your joints to keep them healthy as well. For many doctors, it is obvious that gently using his fingers strengthens the cartilage, rather than weakening it. Knitting is for example more beneficial than typing on a keyboard because this activity does not generate sufficient pressure on the fingers. And of course, knitting does not result in any negative side effects. Do you already have arthritis? Soak your hands in warm water before using your needles to make your masterpieces.

And now you know the benefits of knitting on your moral and physical health 🙂
All you have to do is go to the nearest haberdashery to equip yourself with soft wool and knitting needles. Some stores even offer free or very accessible courses for beginners.
Find out about yourself. If you can not integrate a course, there are still the tutorials on Youtube.
That’s how I learned. And believe me, once you take the hand, at home, on the train or on vacation, you can no longer do without!

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