The nose filters the air before it arrives to the lungs, moistens it and heats it up. It serves as a barrier to pollution, dust and microbes. It ensures the smell and takes part in the taste… So we’re thinking about taking care of it every day.
You learn to sneeze
A bit like paper flies, the mucus retain everything that hangs in the air, avoiding the arrival of the unwanted (microbes, dust…) in the lungs. Sneezing (such as washing or mouchage) allows a radical expulsion.
… And you learn to blow your nose. You have to do one nostril after the other, not both at the same time. Otherwise? Under the influence of pressure, the mucus may rise towards the eardrum, in the ear, with a spread of viruses or bacteria.
The mucous membrane of the nose is hydrated
Wind, cold, dry air and some medications (such as antihistamines) dry out the nasal mucous. This makes it more susceptible to infections, with the appearance of unpleasant stinging and dried mucus crusts. To produce enough mucus and to perform its functions optimally, the mucous membrane must be well hydrated. A solution to sea water or physiological fluid with the same salt concentration as body fluids is used daily.
In case of a very dry nose… A little organic sesame oil with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can be applied gently inside the nostrils. It acts both as a barrier preserving the moisture of the nasal mucous and as a softener allowing mucus crusts to detach.
We wash his nose… Especially in winter
This is not luxury! The nasal mucous is lined with small eyelashes that evacuate intruders trapped inside (bacteria, viruses, yeasts, pollutants, pollen…). Washing with a nasal solution limits the local inflammation due to these particles, improves respiratory well-being and protects ENT infections.
During the winter period, you climb a notch. We wash and strengthen the terrain with products that boost immunity, sanitize or congest the mucous membrane. These solutions contain floral waters or essential oils (eucalyptus, lavender, thyme, rosemary…). For effective nasal rinsing: tilt the head sideways, spray the solution in the upper nostril, blow and repeat on the other side.
We make a cross on tobacco
Smoking results in a more or less significant decrease in olfactory and taste acuity.
Everything happens as if the tobacco disrupts the functioning of the sensory receptors, which are no longer able to transmit their message juice than to the brain, or in a very attenuated way. Good news: 48 hours only after smoking cessation, the first perceptions are back: one more reason to motivate!
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