Only Egg White, Olive Oil and Honey are needed and your hair grow faster than ever!

An egg of 60 grams contains 7 to 8 g of protein and provides one-fifth of our daily protein needs. And this is not finished, the egg contains the 8 amino acids essential to the proper functioning of the human body. In particular, lysin and methionin, which are very little present in our diet.

Eggs are one of the oldest remedies known to increase natural hair growth. They have a particularly high content of elements essential to the regeneration of hair: proteins, zinc, sulfur, iron, phosphorus and iodine. And many more components that are good for hair health.

In this article, we will give you two easy Egg based remedies that can help your fragile hair grow faster.

So let’s start:

The recipe no 1 :
-To make this recipe all what we need is 1 or 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of honey (be sure you’re using a natural honey).
-Separate the egg whites and mix them with olive oil and honey, until a smooth dough is obtained.
-Spread this dough over your hair and let it act for about 25 min.
-Rinse your hair thoroughly with cold water. Then wash them with a mild shampoo.
-To be effective, repeat this treatment at least once every 2 weeks.

Or you can also use this way:

-Separate the Whites from 3 or 4 eggs.
-Carefully apply the egg whites to your hair, as if it were a classic mask (.
-Allow at least 6 minutes to act (relax and wait to get the best results).
-Wash your hair, with a mild shampoo ( this is important so choose a good one).
-This recipe is better tested and it will help your hair grow faster than normal.
