Perhaps you are having trouble concentrating? Don’t worry, it’s not dramatic! Especially since there are natural remedies that can help you boost your memory and concentrate more easily. Bio to the one gives you some natural tips and remedies from grandma to feel better and manage to concentrate more easily. Here we go!
The concentration is useful and necessary on a daily basis to accomplish certain tasks, whether in your personal life, professional or still in progress for the students. However, she is fragile! It is not enough to say that you have to concentrate to achieve that. In fact, it is a mental orientation in one direction. But contrary to certain ideas received, you have to know that the concentration is not under your direct control. It depends on many factors that are both internal (related to sleep or anxieties for example) and external as the environment. In order not to suffer any more, know that it is possible to remedy it, at first, naturally.
The Gingko
Gingko is a plant native to China. It’s been used since the dawn of time to boost memory. Indeed, it is scientifically proven that the leaves of this tree improve the cerebral blood micro circulation. You can use the Gingko as a classic brew. Boil water and add dried leaves. In the exam period, for example, students are advised to drink three cups a day in the morning, midday and evening for about three weeks.
It is also possible to follow a “background treatment”, i.e. to consume regularly gingko in infusion to maintain your memory. It is no coincidence that our grandmothers and their ancestors used this plant! However, do not overdo it, the plants are powerful. Feel free to ask a professional for advice.
It’s well known, magnesium improves memory and concentration. Moreover, it is common to follow a magnesium cure during exams. However, the ideal is to consume it regularly via food. It is necessary to know that cocoa powder, Brazil nuts, almonds or even sunflower seeds contain many. Magnesium is a mineral that maintains the plasticity of synapses. That is, it improves the connection between the cells of our brain. It is for this reason that it is generally proposed to do some cures in the form of supplements. But it should not be abused. You can do a 150mg magnesium cure in the morning for a few months. And of course consuming foods that bring us regularly and naturally!
Cypress Essential Oil
The essential oil of Cypress is indicated to avoid memory loss and to promote concentration. It promotes the circulation of blood, especially at the level of the brain. It is for this reason that it is useful in the context of memory loss. And often, I recommend it to students who pass exams and who have too much to learn!
Like all essential oils, you have to be wary of your power. But without contraindication, you can put a drop of essential cypress oil on a sugar and consume it twice a day for three days. Attention, it should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if you suffer from certain diseases such as fibroids or mastoses. It is also not recommended for children. If in doubt, ask a professional for advice.
The Copa
The Copa is a very used herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Indians consumed a great deal to improve their intellectual performance. The Undercopa increases the production of proteins in the part of the brain responsible for long-term memory. It is known to improve the speed of brain functioning. The Copa is difficult to find but it is possible to buy in parapharmacy, usually in the form of capsules. You have to respect the dosages and don’t hesitate to ask a medicinal plant specialist for the treatment to be really effective.
By adopting these few principles, you will certainly notice positive effects on your ability to focus. So, when do you start?
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