If the causes of hypertension are not all clearly defined, it is known that life habits, and especially food, can clearly weigh in the balance. To reduce hypertension, some foods can help if consumed under a suitable diet (less fat, less salt, less sugar…) and followed by a doctor.
In an “anti-hypertension” diet, it is essential to increase its consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli.
Broccoli is indeed rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium, and thus would regulate the tension.
Moreover, its flavonoid content makes it a protective food against coronary heart disease that can lead to hypertension.
But be careful, you have to consume raw or very little cooked to benefit from its nutrients!
2/The Artichoke
Artichoke is considered a true grandmother’s remedy for lowering blood pressure.
First because it contains good amounts of potassium and then because it is very good for the liver thanks to its diuretic properties that allow to eliminate excess liquids in the body, which decreases blood pressure.
Garlic is the most famous natural anti-hypertension remedy in the world.
It has indeed been proven that garlic reduces the levels of bad cholesterol and high blood pressure and acts against atherosclerosis.
To enjoy its benefits, it will take at least 4 pods a day. So take it in capsules if it’s not your thing!
This is a study by researchers at the University of Minnesota that revealed the benefits of yogurt against hypertension.
These researchers looked at the diet of 2000 volunteers and concluded that eating yogurt regularly would decrease the risk of high blood pressure by 31%, thanks to the calcium it contains.
Opt for real yogurt, probiotics, mixed with oatmeal and fruit for a healthy breakfast or snack!
5/Sweet potato
Its richness in potassium, calcium and magnesium, makes the sweet potato a very good food to fight this problem that concerns one French in five.
It is part of the lowest glycemic index starches, making it a good source of energy to hold all day.
Turmeric is the fashionable health spice right now!
And for cause, its health benefits are numerous: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory or risk reducing cardiovascular disease, it’s almost a miracle spice!
Although its effects against hypertension are not scientifically proven, its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties are undeniably interesting for blood pressure.
But beware of interactions with anticoagulants!
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