Hallux Valgus: What are its symptoms, causes and solutions?

Learn all about the Hallux Valgus
The Hallux Valgus is a disease of the foot, occurring more precisely on the big toe, and which causes a distortion of it. Here is the presentation of the symptoms of this disease, the causes that produce it as well as the means to treat it properly.

The Hallux Valgus is therefore a distortion of the big toe. The metatarsal tilts towards the inside of the foot, causing a characteristic bulge in the joint between the foot and the big toe. This well-visible bump is called a exostosis. This swelling of the forefoot usually induces difficulties in the shoeing. It can also cause a settlement and deformation of the other toes, which are compressed by the big toe in the shoe. When the Valgusian is forming, it is often painful, but once formed it is only unsightly, but does not provide pain.

The causes
Two main causes are generally distinguishable for a Hallux Valgus.

First of all, the genetic factor is on the line, because it is a hereditary disease. Medical studies have shown that the Valgus Halles are particularly transmitted between women in the same family.

But it is also a disease that can be acquired, especially following the wearing of shoes not adapted to the foot. This is especially the case with shoes that are too tight: they will then suffocate the forefoot, which will cause a distortion at the level of the big toe. The Hallux Valgus can also be caused by too high heels, or by too wide shoes. In the latter case, the toes will then contract to try to adhere to the shoe, which causes distortions, especially at the level of the big toe. Finally, a bad posture can cause a valgusing. In the case of basin bias, one foot may be overloaded with respect to the other, resulting in significant distortions.

The solutions
It is quite possible to treat a valgus without resorting to the operation. First of all, a podologique examination is indispensable. It allows the podiatrist to possibly prescribe suitable soles. The doctor may also choose to treat the disease with a toe spreader to regulate the angulation of the big toe. It can also be decided to use a night restraint to put the joint back in place. Finally, if the treatments cited did not give satisfactory results, the surgical operation is conceivable.
