You lose your hair by handles? You are not alone. More than twenty million are affected by alopecia. The point on solutions with a hair specialist at the Clauderer Center.
Why do we lose our hair?
The hair grows for about six years in the woman, lives a few days before entering the death phase (called Telogen)-which lasts several weeks to several months-before the fall. We have about 100 000 hair on the skull, and we lose between 60 and 100 a day, which ensures renewal without loss of mass. But sometimes the hairs start to fall abruptly and diffusely, exceeding this threshold of 100 per day-useless to count, an acute loss of hair is noticed, especially in the shower, explain the doctors. It can be due to many factors, without it being pathological.
So in the spring and even more in autumn, the hair falls like dead leaves. This seasonal fall, quite normal, corresponds to the hormonal resonance of the variations of brightness and does not exceed six weeks.
Motherhood also has consequences for hair loss: artificially held in the bulb during pregnancy, they find themselves more numerous in the telogen phase with childbirth. One in two women is affected by postpartum alopecia. No panic: We find his capital pilaris in the year.
Transient hair loss: How to prevent it?
The natural phenomena of seasonal or postpartum alopecia cannot be halted, but they can be anticipated. “Without guaranteeing miraculous results, some cocktails of vitamins B, zinc and sulfur amino acids (cysteine and methionine), for example at Physio or Forcapil, will strengthen the root and activate the micro-circulation at the bulb level”, details Gersende Messina, hair specialist at the Clauderer Centre. You have to take these food supplements continuously two to three months upstream and follow the cure to the end.
On a daily basis, a healthy lifestyle is adopted: “colors, wicks or homemade straightening can damage the roots. I advise to return to a natural hair, and to basic products: an anti-fall shampoo, it does not exist. “We prefer shampoos with soft washing agents purchased in para pharmacy, such as Furterer or Vichy etc…
When should we worry?
When the fall of hair, brutal, settles apart from the passenger phenomena, it becomes pathological. Alopecia may be a result of physical change (diet, disease, taking of certain medications) as psychological (stress period, depression). More rarely, to a psycho-emotional shock. You need to consult a dermatologist quickly.
How to react?
A blood check can be used to identify a possible thyroid disorder or deficiency. We then dose iron, zinc, folate (vitamins B9), which the Doctor will supplement by prescribing the adapted nutrients. A trichogram, i.e. a study of the roots under a microscope, also helps to determine the causes of alopecia.
In order to stimulate the hair follicle and to re-balance the vital functions, you can turn to Dermo-cosmetic treatments in spray, to penetrate by massaging the scalp. It is found at either the Tetrapeptides or Klorane (quinine and caffeine). One imperative, be patient: There will be no results before 4 months of treatment.
Areata, Seborrheic Dermatitis… Pathologies to be taken into account.
Some diseases have the effect of blocking the growth of the hair. In the case of a areata, the hair follicle suspends its activity unpredictably, creating plaques of baldness on isolated areas of the scalp. The prescribed treatments, such as a local corticotherapy, aim to make the white blood cells that attack the follicle disappear.
Characterized by crust-coated pink films and plaques, seborrheic dermatitis is due to the proliferation of a fungus, the Malassezia, which colonizes the fatty scalps leathers. Treatments can attenuate dermatitis, but not cure it: If a dandruff shampoo is not enough, a curing lotion, based on antifungals and anti-inflammatory drugs, will be indicated.
The special case of chronic hair loss.
Much more common (85% of cases), chronic alopecia is concerned by its inevitable appearance: the hair is progressively scarce, specifically on the top of the head. This scourge depends on both hormonal hyperactivity and hereditary predisposition: If your mothers, grandmothers or aunts are affected, there is little chance that you will escape.
Minoxidil 2% or 5% (Alopexy for example) has long been proven. But the treatment (lifetime and not reimbursed) is binding: The lotion applies twice a day, can leave the hair oily and cause hyperhairs. In the case of chronic hair loss, one consults his doctor who will determine the appropriate treatment.
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