Apply This Miracle cure and say Goodbye to Cracks on your fingers forever.

The skin of the hands and feet is very fragile. In winter, with cold and moisture, the skin cracks easily. As a result, small cracks appear and make a dog ache! But not worth buying a cream at the pharmacy for that much.

Fortunately, there is a natural and effective grandmother’s remedy for soothing and curing crevices.
The miracle trick is to apply on a clay paste with olive oil.

Let’s find out:

What you need
-2 tablespoons of green clay.
-1 tablespoon of olive oil.
-Wooden spatula.

follow these 7 steps:

1. Put the clay in the bowl.
2. Add a little water to form a thick dough.
3. Add olive oil.
4. Mix well with the wooden spatula.
5. Apply to crevices ( cracks).
6. Allow to operate at least 30 minutes.
7. Renew the application every day until healing.

And don’t forget a let us know the results in a comment and share this recipe with others if you like , thank you!


