5 things to know before choosing an anti-cellulite cream

Nine out of 10 women have cellulite. And to fight the orange peel, nothing like an anti-cellulite cream: Discover 5 things to know before choosing your own.

Info N ° 1: Against cellulite, some assets are better than others
Against cellulite, the most effective weapon is undoubtedly caffeine: present in many plant extracts (coffee, green tea, Guarana…), this molecule boosts lipolysis, i.e. the burning of fats, and promotes the Destocking of the lipids accumulated in the adipocytes. A must.

Info N ° 2: An anti-cellulite cream, it does not apply no matter how
An anti-cellulite cream, it doesn’t spread like a beast sunscreen. To get results, the ideal is a palpate-roll massage. This “manual kneading” technique unstores fats, strengthens and tones tissues, and activates blood and lymphatic circulation.

Effective also, the anti-cellulite suction cup. This slimming and beauty accessory reproduces the technique of the palpate-roll, especially on the thighs and on the buttocks.

Info N ° 3: It is possible to make your own anti-cellulite cream
No need to spend a fortune in a luxury anti-cellulite cream: Some simple grandma’s recipes have proven themselves. Two recipes that work:

to the coffee. 3 Coffee Bottoms (what remains at the bottom of the filter) + 1 cup warm, well-brewed green tea + 1 tsp. olive oil + 2 tsp. green clay.

to essential oils. 20 g Shea butter + 30 drops of lemon essential oil + 30 drops of Atlas Cedar essential Oil + 30 drops of Marine essential oil + 30 drops of Lemongrass essential oil. A synergy forbidden to pregnant women.

Info N ° 4: Against cellulite, the cream is not enough
Unfortunately, the fight against cellulite never stops: to eradicate the skin of orange, it is also necessary to adopt healthy habits and balanced daily!

On the plate, we avoid too salty products that promote the retention of water, but also the industrial dishes that encourage the storage of fats in the adipocytes. Rather, low-GI foods are preferred (since those with high glycemic indexes cause storage) and fruits and vegetables rich in potassium and antioxidants, good against cellulite, are abused.

On the sports side, running, fast walking, elliptical cycling and swimming make it possible to fight against the dimples effectively.

Info N ° 5: The Secret of efficiency is the regularity
We see it coming as big as a house: Our anti-cellulite cream, we will use it diligently for a week… then forget it at the bottom of the closet of the bathroom.

Except that to eradicate the skin of orange, it is essential to show re-gu-la-ri-tee: At least one massage palpate-roll with an anti-cellulite cream per day, for 6 minutes per minimum zone. The ideal: a palpate-roll in the morning, a palpate-roll in the evening.

Now You know how to choose the best choice for you, go and buy it! but don’t forget to share this article with you friends Thank You 😉
