Why work the ABS does not make the flat stomach?

It can happen that people dreaming of having some abdominal in chocolate bar spend hours doing exercises in the gym without noticing results. For what reason? According the sports coach and nutritionist Canadian Harley Pasternak, who works with celebrities like Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, the training that directly target the abdominal muscles won’t give you what you expect.

Asked by the Business Insider site, the specialist calls for other types of exercises:
+ walking,
+ the back building.

Indeed, even the less athletic we have abdominal muscles. But in some people, they are covered by a layer of fat. Exercises that target the abdominal muscles at the gym make muscles work, but won’t burn the fat above.
Around the area

For a flat stomach and apparent ABS, therefore essential to focus the abdominal fat and love handles, which is not an easy matter. The solution: bypass the area in question and work rather the top and bottom of the body. Walking helps to melt the fat cells from the stomach muscles and lengthen the torso, while the classic abdominal exercises have the opposite effect. Walking between 10,000 and 14 000 not a day is an excellent lens.

To strengthen the lower and the upper back, Harley Pasternak recommends lumbar plank exercises: lying on the stomach, contracting the ABS and stretch the arms and legs off the ground.
Any other sport that allows to work back, like swimming or yoga, for example, is good to take. You can therefore blow and stop kill you with endless series of abdominal and take a long walk instead!
