Perfect eyebrows in just 4 steps.

Want to sublimate the line of your eyebrows in 2 minutes laps? Here are the tips you need to show an intense and glamorous look. As a bonus, a shopping for products to draw among the best novelties of the season.

1/Brush your eyebrows
Using a pin, comb the hairs of your eyebrows upward.

2/intensify their line
Use a matte, dry-textured, perfectly trimmed pencil. Start by working the bottom line by drawing small strokes from the bottom to the top of the eyebrow. Then intensify the upper arch by hatching from the head to the eyebrow’s tail.

The trick in addition: to create a natural matter effect, the traits must be very thin. Make sure that your pencil’s mine barely touches the skin during application.

3/Delete the demarcations
Brush the eyebrows up with a pin to clear the demarcations and get an ultra-natural rendering.

4/Fix Makeup
Apply a transparent gel to perfectly seal the makeup. You can opt for a tinted gel if you want an even more intense result.

And don’t forget to share these tricks with all your friends!

