Shoulder pain is a fairly common disease that can be triggered by many factors such as muscular tensions, sprains, dislocations, dysfunction in the spine (neck or middle of the back) or even diseases Heart. However, the most common cause of shoulder pain is a mild tension in the muscles or ligaments, which is usually caused by excess work or exercise. Most shoulder aches heal by themselves after a week and sometimes even faster if you use effective homemade remedies. For more severe shoulder aches, the intervention of a health professional and in some rare cases a surgical procedure may be necessary.
Rest your shoulder for a while.
Shoulder pain is caused in most cases by excessive use of the shoulder or excessive exertion, in other words, by repetitive movements with the shoulder or lifting too heavy loads. If this description looks like what you think is the cause of your shoulder pain, stop the activity in question for a few days or more. If your shoulder pains are related to work, ask your boss if you can temporarily change activities (to do something involving fewer repetitive movements or efforts) or else you can change your working position. If your shoulder ache is caused by bodybuilding exercises, it assumes that you are lifting heavy weights or exercising in bad posture. If this is the case, talk to your coach to give you good advice.
- Resting the shoulder is a good idea, but completely immobilizer is not recommended for minor pain, as this could promote the development of the “Frozen” shoulder. Slight shoulder movements are always necessary to stimulate the blood circulation and promote healing.
- Intense pain is usually a sign of muscular traction, while acute pain during movement is often caused by joint lesions. Shoulder joint pain usually gets worse at night when you are lying on the bed.
Put a pocket of ice on your shoulder.
If your painful shoulder appears swollen, apply an ice pouch (or something very cold) to the softer area to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Ice therapy is best suited for acute lesions that also involve inflammation. Place the ice cover for about 15 minutes every two hours until the symptoms of your shoulder calm down or disappear.
- Compress the ice pocket against your shoulder with a tensor or elastic bandage is even more effective in reducing inflammation.
- Always wrap the ice in a fine towel before applying it to any lesion. This prevents skin irritation and frostbite.
- If you do not have ice, use a refrigerated block or a bag of frozen vegetables.
Apply moist heat to the cold place.
If your shoulder pain is chronic (long lasting) and the shoulder becomes stiff, especially in the morning or before you start your activities, apply moist heat instead of ice. Moist heat warms soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) and increases blood flow in these areas, which can be useful to calm aches caused by osteoarthritis (the type associated with joint wear) or old lesions Sports. Good sources of moist heat are microwaveable pouches filled with seeds (usually wheat or rice), herbs and essential oils. Apply heat for 15-20 minutes in the morning before any other activity or before starting the exercises.
- Taking a hot bath can also provide moist heat. Add a little Epsom salt to make the bath even more relaxing and soothing for your muscles.
- Avoid the dry heat that traditional heating cushions often produce, as it can dehydrate soft tissue and increase the risk of inflammation.
Make simple movements of the shoulder stretching.
Your sore shoulder can be caused by stiff and tense muscles, certainly due to poor posture or lack of agility. If the pain you feel when you move the shoulder is not very intense, throbbing or similar to an electric shock, it means that you can feel better by doing some stretching with the shoulder. Tense and painful muscles react well to stretching because it reduces muscle tensions, thus promoting blood flow and improving muscle flexibility. The flexibility of the shoulder is essential because it is the joint that controls most of the body’s movements compared to other joints. Stretch your shoulder for about 30 seconds by breathing deeply and do this 3-5 times a day until the evil decreases.
- When sitting or standing, put your arm in front of your torso and grasp the end of the opposite elbow. Bring the back of your elbow bent toward the torso and push until you feel that a stretching occurs at the corresponding shoulder.
- Always sitting or standing straight, seek to reach the upper and lower part of your back by passing through the scapula and make sure that the hand you use is nesting on the other hand. Slowly push down on the hand of the painful shoulder until you feel a stretch.
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