4 Grandma recipes to get rid of Cellulite !!

Cellulite can be embedded throughout the body: arms, thighs and belly. But no need to buy creams that cost an arm to eliminate it!
fortunately, There are grandma’s remedies to get rid of cellulite definitely without ruining herself. Here are 4 effective and natural remedies to eliminate cellulite at Home.

1. Caffeine Lotion

If you are used to buying anti-cellulite creams, you must have noticed that all contain caffeine. This is because caffeine is a formidable weapon to remove fats and firm up the Skin.

Make your home remedy against cellulite by betting on lemon and coffee: you are going to have a very effective homemade anti-cellulite Lotion.

Prepare 50 cl of high-bodied Coffee. Put it in a bottle and add the juice of 1 lemon. Close. Shake. Let stand 24 h. Massage the affected areas with this Lotion. Be careful, you can’t keep it for more than a week.

2. Oil after Shower.

Combine the benefits of massage and those of lemon to fight Cellulite. besides, you’ll have a soft skin. Mix 5 tablespoons of olive oil and juice with a lemon. Every day before your shower, on dry skin, rub vigorously the areas where the cellulite is located until your skin is no longer oily.

3. Express formula with lemon essential Oil.

The essential oil of lemon has a firming action to fight against Cellulite. It repairs the tissues damaged by the greasy piles. This cellulite remedy will help you get rid of it. Mix one tablespoon of jojoba oil and 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Massage the affected areas with this mixture in the morning and in the Evening.

4. Full Aroma-massage Formula.

This recipe is a real anti-cellulite treatment in Depth. Take 1 vial of 100 ml. Pour in 94 ml of Argan Oil. Add 1 ml of Helichrysum essential oil, 2 ml of juniper Essential oil (80 Drops) and 3 ml of lemon essential oil (120 drops).
To make the most of the effects of this formula, pour it into the palm of your hands, rub your hands and massage the affected areas before taking your shower.
Take your shower hot and continue massaging using the palpate technique roll: pinch a crease of skin between your thumb, index and major and then climb up from the bottom up, moving your fingers, as if you were rolling the skin under your Fingers.

We warn you: it’s not always very pleasant!
The heat released by water will maximize the anti-cellulite effect of this Treatment. It will facilitate the penetration of the remedy in the tissues to have a more effective action in Depth.

Caution: If you have important blood circulation problems or if you have bruises easily, avoid this Technique. Prefer a traditional rubbing massage.
