Dandruff… a real ordeal! Some of you are probably affected by this problem. To help you eradicate them from your scalp, here are homemade recipes of home against dandruff hair masks.
Anti-dandruff yogurt mask and baking soda.
Bicarbonate will clean up the skull and remove dead cells, while the yogurt will deeply nourish your scalp.
Take a yogurt and mix it with a teaspoon of baking soda. Add 3 drops of essential oil of tree tea, recognized for its purifying properties and dandruff action. Then apply the mixture to wet hair, massage your scalp and leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Rinse, then use your usual shampoo.
Anti-dandruff mask to the cider vinegar and vegetable oil.
Apple Cider vinegar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties recognized. Associated with the vegetable oils which nourish the scalp and soothe the itching, it will help to combat your dandruff.
Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil soup and 3 teaspoons of cider vinegar. Add a beaten egg yolk (rich in nutrients!) and stir the preparation to get a thick texture. Apply the mask on wet hair and massage your skull to penetrate. Cover your hair with a plastic film or a charlotte of bath, then cover all of a hot and wet towel so that the mask penetrate properly. Let sit for 30 minutes then rinse before moving on to your shampoo.
Anti-dandruff white clay mask.
You can also opt for a white clay mask if your hair is dry. It will rid your scalp of residues of film and encourage its hydration.
In a bowl of warm water, pour 4 tablespoons of powdered clay to form a paste. Add a few drops of lemon juice that has acidifying properties and which will help to remove dead skin particles. Apply the mixture on your hair and wrap in a towel. Make your shampoo after 30 minutes break.
Anti-dandruff Green Clay mask.
Green Clay, unlike the white clay, is perfect for oily hair. It will absorb excess oil while rid your hair of its residues.
Dilute 3 teaspoons of Green Clay with water and add 8 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus disbarred, useful because of its antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities. The preparation should be soft and homogeneous. Apply the mask on your scalp, massage and leave for 15 minutes by wrapping your head in a towel. Then you will need to rinse to remove any clay of your hair.
Feel free to make one of these masks at least once a week in order to cope with your film!
You now have valuable natural recipes to overcome your dandruff through these House masks. And to complete this care with good daily reflexes, you can consult our article advice from expert on hair care anti-dandruff.
If you know other grandmothers recipes, feel free to post your opinion or your advice in the comments!
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