How do you make your breasts bigger?

The breasts bear symbols for both man and woman. However, small breasts are often a source of complexes and lack of self-confidence for some women. This is explained by the fact that a sexy breast is a sign of femininity and beauty, but also a criterion that makes the male gent of all colors dream. Therefore, some women assume their flat breasts and others, seek by any means to magnify breasts. Growing her breasts is quite possible nowadays, but the methods and tricks are different, between natural and surgical techniques.

Can you grow breasts naturally?

Fénugrec oil and its benefits on the chest
Fénugrec oil is a natural way to give volume to your breasts, for all those who dream of having a more generous breast. Fenugreek is an aromatic plant that regains its origins in India and the Middle East. The herb is known for its stimulating effect of appetite and fortifying on the various organs, and more precisely: the chest, the hair and the face. This product is one of the most useful and beneficial seeds for women. With the use of Fénugrec oil, for the natural breast augmentation, just buy the oil in parapharmacy or prepare it at home.

The best fenugreek-based products for the chest:

To realize your magic recipe that will inflate your breasts, you must have:

  • of a glass of Fénugrec,
  • of a glass of water
  • of a glass of olive oil or sunflower

Then take a saucepan, pour the seeds of fénugrec and water and let the two elements boil on a soft fire, until half the liquid evaporates. Then add the olive oil to the mixture and take the same evaporation action. At the end of the process, drain the fénugrec and recover your oil. Do not hesitate to crush the remaining pips because they contain oil.

To increase your chest, the use of fenugreek oil that you have prepared is very simple. You just have to apply the product to your chest while massaging your breasts. The massage will allow the oil to penetrate the fabric and bring a care of the bust. To achieve satisfactory results, it is important to take the same steps as a cure once a day until the desired volume of the breasts is obtained.

This technique of breast augmentation is natural, this goes back to the medicinal plant that contains plant hormones, known as “phyto-estrogen”. The latter has properties that cause breast cell growth.

The use of fennel for a natural breast.
Fennel is a vegetable rich in vitamins, which participates in the activity of the mammary glands. Fennel seeds have developmental properties of synthetic osteogene, which promote the growth of mammary tissues. For the use of fennel, there are three distinct and beneficial ways: At first you can prepare fennel tea daily. To make it happen, boil water and fill your teapot with fennel seeds and let the mixture rest for five minutes. You can eventually add honey or lemon for seasoning.

The second option is to buy tea bags of fennel already ready and take one cup a day. The second method is to use fennel oil for the enlargement of the breast, this is explained by the active help it brings to the production of estrogen, but also by its composition in flavonoids.

Chest boosters: For a quick effect
There are other ways to grow your cleavage with boosters that come in as a cream or gel, both of which have a firming effect on the chest. That’s not all, these boosters are designed specifically to develop the size of your breasts and produce a face-lift effect.

The use of these creams is done by a massage of the breasts that will help them become firmer and filled, however it is important to integrate its use in your daily beauty routine. Specifically, these creams are stimulants for breast development, but also to plump your breast and give it curve. Boosters owe their effect to their composition rich in molecules that offer the woman the voluptuous breasts she has always dreamed of, in a short period of time and without resorting to cosmetic surgery. Thanks to the boosters, your breasts will amaze you.

Grow breasts through cosmetic surgery:

Many, are women who use cosmetic surgery to change the appearance of their breasts and feel good about their body, the latter may be too small, or almost non-existent. In both, cosmetic surgery is a procedure that responds to the imperfections of women dissatisfied with the volume of their breasts. This situation may cause psychological and physical problems, given the importance of breast size which is considered a weapon of seduction and pleasure for men, finally the most demanding.

What is breast augmentation?
For women who wish to use cosmetic surgery to have a larger breast, but also for an immediate result, there are several types of interventions. But first, what is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the most performed operation in the world, it is a surgical procedure that involves integrating a foreign body under your mammary gland. The breast implant put in place may be a silicone casing filled with either gel or physiological solution. As for the location of the implant, it is placed against the thorax or under the pectoral muscle, to benefit from a more aesthetic result. It is important to note that breast addition differs from one patient to another, while respecting the silhouette and thoracic morphology of the woman. However, the goal remains common: to increase the volume of your breasts and to harmonize the bust.

What types of breast implants are proposed to make breast fat?
There are two types of breast implants, the round-shaped implant that makes it possible to have a natural result, bringing a large volume to the upper chest and a bulging appearance. This form is ideal for women who have small breasts that fall, and want to centralize the volume at the top of the chest. Then we find the anatomical mammary implant. The latter gives the breasts a form of pear or a taste of water. It allows to reproduce the natural form of a breast, for this purpose the most voluminous part is the lower part, for a UPS cleavage. Breast augmentation by anatomical prostheses, is therefore a method of making breast fat in a harmonious and proportional manner. In cosmetic surgery, no type of breast implant is better than the other. This is due to the fact that each implant meets the needs of a patient profile.

Breast augmentation by Fat injection
There is another method of breast augmentation without the use of breast implants, this is the Lipofilling of the breasts. Concretely, this method is characterized by an injection of autologous fat, this said the patient’s own fat. The transfer of fat to the level of the breasts is without any danger, and presents itself as a reliable intervention without risk of rejection. The lipofilling is intended for all women who have small breasts, who refuse the presence of foreign bodies, or for whom prostheses will not correct the size of the chest. However, it is important to note that the lipofilling meets the needs of the patients, who wish to proceed with a moderate increase of one cap to a maximum cap and a half, which amounts to 200 or 250 grams approximately.

The fat injection consists of taking fat from several locations of the body, it can be the buttocks, hips or even the belly. Then the fat is transferred to the level of the breasts, to allow an increase of the chest. The lipofilling is considered an operation, the results of which are more elegant and aesthetic, given the absence of scars and a very natural rendering. The results of your breasts are definitive only after a period of 3 months, i.e. the time required for your body to absorb the injected fat. To reach a larger volume, a larger re-injection would be required to reach the desired volume.

Breast augmentation by hyaluronic Acid injection
Making her breasts fat without surgery is quite possible, via the injection of hyaluronic acid. The latter is an interesting alternative to breast prostheses, it allows to modify the shape of the breast as well as its magnitude. This method carries out a breast augmentation made to measure, this results in the fact that the surgeon can easily add or decrease the volume of the breasts without a major surgery. The texture of the breasts remains almost the same, and no general anesthesia is obligatory. On the other hand, the results of this technique are definitive, because hyaluronic acid is absorbable. Therefore, it is essential to renew the injection every year, if you want to keep a plump and sexy breast. This method has been banned since 26 August 2011 by the French Health Products safety agency. This prohibition is due to the complications that hyaluronic acid creates during breast cancer screening and breast palpation difficulties.

Are there other alternatives and tips for getting bigger breasts?
The breasts are composed mainly of three types of tissues: a tissue of fat, a glandular tissue and a last fibrous. There is an alternative to fattening your breasts: sport. The exercises can change only the shape of your breasts and their appearance, accompanied by a slight increase in the chest. The solution is therefore to work on the muscles that lie under the breasts, thanks to physical exercises that ruendront the breasts firmer. The goal is to grow the muscles, to grow the adipose tissue towards the outer part. The changes will not be visible immediately, it takes months of continuous exercises for the construction of the muscles.

What exercises to make breast fat?
The pressure on the chest is a chest tightening exercise. To get there, take a weight in each hand and lift it up to your shoulders, without stretching your arms in a complete way. Don’t forget to bend your elbows so that your hands are at 90 °. Stay on this position for five minutes, then you can go back to your initial position and release. Repeat this exercise as much as you can, especially the first one. The application of the pressure can be done by another method: stand in front of a wall with the back straight and the legs apart, you have to extend your hands and press them sturdy against the wall for ten seconds. After relaxation, repeat this exercise ten times in a repetitive manner.

Stretching the chest is a feasible exercise at home, as in the gym. Stretching for the chest is effective for stretching the muscles. You need to have a rubber band and take the ends of the elastic. Bend your knees, inhale and take your arms as far as you can. Hold the position for about ten seconds while breathing, and then release. You can also bend your elbows and place your hands at the hips. Try to touch your back with your elbows and the trick is played.

Discover other exercises to grow breasts! In addition to these exercises, it is advisable to use herbal dietary supplements. The idea is to stimulate the production of mammary tissues.

Having beautiful breasts is every woman’s dream. This during the methods to magnify her breasts and refine her breasts are numerous. The choice comes back to the woman, the importance of the complex and her ability to invest to get sensual and attractive breasts. The purpose of this guide is to present you with the main steps to obtain a larger breast size, and to help you find the solution that best suits your expectations.

