8 Natural anti fever tips for kids

Against their child’s fever, too many parents still administer paracetamol in a systematic manner in combination with Ibuprofen. This often abusive medication involves risks and for a few tenths of a fever it is really not necessary since there are good anti fever perfectly natural tricks. Explanations…

Childhood fever: Paracetamol is not the solution
Paracetamol and ibuprofen have become everyday remedies. Available without a prescription, these medications are taken lightly.

nevertheless, They remain medicines, and must be administered sparingly, especially in the CHILD.

A large-scale study, funded by the UK Medical Research council, was published recently in the Lancet. It aims to unmake the myths around painkillers, administered wrongly and through.

Fever is an antibody
of course, you don’t talk about a high fever, but don’t panic if your child has a few tenths of a degree above normal body Temperature. The study recalls that fever plays a role against an infection: fever “is not a disease but a physiological defense mechanism that has beneficial effects in the fight against infection”.

Eliminating fever by a drug may therefore be harmful and aggravate the Child’s Condition. “there is an educational work to be done by pediatricians,” explains one of the authors of the study, “they should explain more to parents that fever when it is not very high, is not bad in itself, as long as the child is healthy”.

Let the Fever act… without racing
In the Face of a proliferation of viruses, the body reacts and defends itself in a double way: to raise the local temperature rises, at the level of the sick cell, and to raise the general temperature of the whole body: it is the Fever. Both of these reactions will help to stop the viral Infection. There are inflammations, signs of virus Control. This is why it is not necessary at all costs to fight the inflammation if it is transient, nor the fever if it remains under 40 °c. These are natural defense reactions: if the body does not generate inflammation, the viruses encounter less resistance.

Paracetamol to reduce the side effects of other medications: a myth
A very common idea for parents is that paracetamol and ibuprofen can combine with a drug to increase its efficacy. An idea studied in vain by Dr. Purssell in a study published in 2011. Until then medical studies have not proved this popular belief, conveyed even by some psychiatrists (1).

On the contrary, the authors of the new study on the subject conclude that analgesics should be administered only to avoid risks and not in combination with Treatment.

Sometimes risky treatment
It is important to understand that analgesics are not harmless, let alone when it is a child. The maximum levels of ibuprofen for example are often poorly known to parents.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics joined other research conducted jointly by the departments of pharmacology of the University of Arkansas and that of Kentucky in the United States (2).

The treatments involving ibuprofen and paracetamol are “not only ineffective but can aggravate fever and flu”, including when medications are administered in Solution.

Another study, published in the Lancet, recalls that the risk of heart disease or asthma is multiplied, and the damage can be significant on the liver and kidneys (3).

Natural tips against Fever

It is necessary to know how to manage your Child’s fever. A few tenths of degrees more should not worry us; A big fever: at the Pediatrician’s. Discover Natural solutions to bring down a small fever in your CHILD.

To bring down a mild fever, you forget the drugs and you think Practical.

The Child’s clothes are removed…
… so as to disperse the heat. Or for the more cautious one removes a diaper. The outside air allows the body to cool naturally.

Ventilate well
Leaving the child in a hot and stuffy room is not a solution. So we’re thinking of aerating and keeping the room at a reasonable temperature. We also avoid the air conditioning at the bottom of the Balloons.

Focus on quiet activities
Your child will not necessarily want to play a lot if he is feverish, but nevertheless with a low to moderate fever, he probably will not intend to stay screwed on an armchair.

It is therefore encouraged to practice calm activities.

Lowering the Fever: the bath!
If the child likes the Bath and wants it, it can relax Him. But the bad behavior would be to plunge the child into a cold bath: very bad idea and there is a proven risk of convulsions. however, it can be put in a bath at a suitable temperature (about 36.5 °c if the child is at 37.5 °c, 37 °c If the child is at 38 °c) and gradually lower the water temperature in a natural way.

Caution: If the temperature is higher, the bath temperature is adjusted according to the Child’s temperature: 1 °c below.

Cold water Compresses
We see this method in more than one film, but it has its followers. A cloth or a small towel soaked in cold water is applied to areas where blood flow is particularly important: wrists, neck, Forehead. We change these compresses regularly.

Fight the Fever by the feet!
In the same way, when the temperature of the feet drops, all the heat decreases slightly. If the child is bedridden, we can therefore think of applying raw potato slices on the soles of the Feet.

and food?
You probably do it already but think about moisturizing your child Well. The liquid diet will in any case probably be better accepted by a small patient. Fruit juices, broth water and lots of water.

Sunflower Infusion
Dried sunflower petals and boiling water are used. Sunflower has the property to bring down the fever in a natural way.

The water is slightly cooled and the dried flowers are allowed to brew for ten minutes before filtering. We add a little honey for a sweeter taste and we drink a little of this mixture every eight to ten hours to the CHILD.

of course, as always, follow the advice of your pediatrician and do not hesitate to consult him in the slightest doubt.


  1. Purssell, E. Systematic review of studies comparing combined treatment with paracetamol and ibuprofen, with either drug alone http://adc.bmj.com/content/96/12/1175.short
  2. Fever and Antipyretic Use in Children http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/127/3/580.full
  3. Effect of prophylactic paracetamol administration at time of vaccination on febrile reactions and antibody responses in children : two open-label, randomised controlled trials http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(09)61208-3/fulltext
