Relaxation, Cardiac coherence, meditation… Here are 5 methods to test to help a child relax, at school and at Home. This will reduce his anxiety, improve his concentration, lessen anger and frustration and boost his self-esteem.
1-full Consciousness Meditation
Studies on the effects of meditation in children accumulate and indicate that the practice of meditation allows children to be more attentive (and for those suffering from attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, adhd, To improve their behaviour), more concentrated, to have better results in their evaluations, but also to be less anxious and to be better connected to Themselves.
In practice: there are online aids to practice meditation with a child. At home and at school, it is important for the child to sit on his right back, closing his eyes in a quiet atmosphere, with the muffled light. Then it is only to close your eyes and breathe gently keeping its attention on its breathing. If there are thoughts that arise, you just have to observe them and let them pass before they come to Breath.
2-cardiac coherence
Heart coherence, an anti-stress breathing practice, could bring the child significant benefits in terms of concentration, autonomy and self-discipline, says Dr. David O’Hare, author of the Practical Kid consistency Manual. This practice has been tested in several French schools (compared to classes that do not have cardiac coherence) and the preliminary results of the experiment are encouraging: greater concentration of children, less solicitation of The teacher, best results to geometry tests…
The practice of yoga was also evaluated in children in terms of attention and Behavior. And studies show greater confidence in themselves and others, better communication, and greater participation in the CLASS.
In practice: the yoga classes for children are more and more numerous. If there are none near you, know that there are videos on the Internet specially dedicated to the practice of yoga by the Young.
Like meditation, Yoga and cardiac coherence, relaxation has proven anti-stress effects, which causes less anxiety, greater attention and better behaviour in the Classroom.
In practice: here is one technique among others, to do with toddlers: lie on your back on the ground and take your endat on your belly. Then breathe, paying attention to the inflated belly and déglonflent. Imagine then that you fly in the air, gently, before you come Home. With the Greatest: same principle but each one on his mat and attentive to his belly.
5-the Massage
Less known and practiced than relaxation or meditation, the massage could also not only relax the children but also improve their attention. A Canadian pilot study has shown that massage at school (with a massage therapist) improves the behaviour of children with ADHD but also the atmosphere of the CLASSROOM. Paul-André Gauthier, The author of the study says: “the success of this massage project was observed from the first two weeks. For example, several children were calmer at School. Some were able to recognize that they were not feeling well and were asking for a break even before the behavioral problems were perceptible. ”
in practice: If in USA the massage may not be easily invited to the school, Can practice it easily at Home. Over clothing, or with a neutral vegetable oil to which is added (or Not) The essential oil of true lavender (which relaxes and is very well tolerated by the skin).
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